Here is the fixed code.
float fixedHeapMedian (float *a) {
const unsigned char HEAP_LEN = 13;
float left[HEAP_LEN], right[HEAP_LEN], *p, median;
unsigned char nLeft, nRight;
// pick first value as median candidate
p = a;
median = *p++;
nLeft = nRight = 0;
for (;;) {
//dumpState(left, nLeft, median, right, nRight, p, 27 - (p-a));
//assert(stateIsValid(left, nLeft, median, right, nRight));
// get next value
float val = *p++;
// if value is smaller than median, append to left heap
if (val <= median) {
// move biggest value to the top of left heap
unsigned char child = nLeft++, parent = (child - 1) / 2;
while (child && val > left[parent]) {
left[child] = left[parent];
child = parent;
parent = (parent - 1) / 2;
left[child] = val;
// if left heap is full
if (nLeft == HEAP_LEN) {
//cout << "---" << endl;
// for each remaining value
for (unsigned char nVal = 27-(p - a); nVal; --nVal) {
//dumpState(left, nLeft, median, right, nRight, p, nVal);
//assert(stateIsValid(left, nLeft, median, right, nRight));
// get next value
val = *p++;
// discard values falling in other heap
if (val >= median) {
// if val is bigger than biggest in heap, val is new median
if (val >= left[0]) {
median = val;
// biggest heap value becomes new median
median = left[0];
// insert val in heap
parent = 0;
child = 2;
while (child < HEAP_LEN) {
if (left[child-1] > left[child]) {
child = child-1;
if (val >= left[child]) {
left[parent] = left[child];
parent = child;
child = (parent + 1) * 2;
left[parent] = val;
return median;
} else {
// move smallest value to the top of right heap
unsigned char child = nRight++, parent = (child - 1) / 2;
while (child && val < right[parent]) {
right[child] = right[parent];
child = parent;
parent = (parent - 1) / 2;
right[child] = val;
// if right heap is full
if (nRight == HEAP_LEN) {
//cout << "---" << endl;
// for each remaining value
for (unsigned char nVal = 27-(p - a); nVal; --nVal) {
//dumpState(left, nLeft, median, right, nRight, p, nVal);
//assert(stateIsValid(left, nLeft, median, right, nRight));
// get next value
val = *p++;
// discard values falling in other heap
if (val <= median) {
// if val is smaller than smallest in heap, val is new median
if (val <= right[0]) {
median = val;
// heap top value becomes new median
median = right[0];
// insert val in heap
parent = 0;
child = 2;
while (child < HEAP_LEN) {
if (right[child-1] < right[child]) {
child = child-1;
if (val <= right[child]) {
right[parent] = right[child];
parent = child;
child = (parent + 1) * 2;
right[parent] = val;
return median;