The low level C++ wrapper class for cryptographic functions is now finalized. I use XySSL as low level C cryptographic library. XySSL is an open source project of Christophe Devine, a French computer scientist specialized in security. XySSL will support the VIA padlock cryptographic engine which is a good news since VIA servers are cheap, cold and low consuming computers.
The signing algorithm is parameterized so that one can easily switch to a stronger model if needed. For now we'll use the PKCS1 2.0 OAEP signature model described in RFC3447 because it is stream friendly. The signature model described in IEEE 1363a adds a salt with the hash value. The salt is some random bytes that are hashed before the information to sign.
The problem with this is that the salt is not available when starting to decode the information. To do so we would have to put the signature in front of the information. But then it is the signature generation that would not be stream friendly. One would have to first serialize the data in some buffer so that we can compute the hash value and encode the signature. This then breaks the stream processing model.
It is not clear to me how this salt adds any security to the signature. Please add a comment if you have some hints on this. It seem that picking a stronger hash function with longer digest or combining multiple hash functions output would contribute more to security than the salt value.
An enlightening reading on hacking! 'To those about to hack" Progress is good on multiple fronts. |
AuthorChristophe Meessen is a computer science engineer working in France. Any suggestions to make DIS more useful ? Tell me by using the contact page. Categories
December 2017